Join us for Full Moon Gathering!
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Dear UU Ministry for Earth community - 


The church year is beginning, and the UU climate justice movement is brimming with excitement. We are reimagining together. Over 300 congregations have registered to host a Climate Justice Revival in their setting, and the materials have been released to those registered. See below for all the details if you haven't caught the wave yet. 

And know that I have been honored to represent UU Ministry for Earth on the planning team which has been meeting for over a year now. As someone said to today in a Revival Information Session, "Let's go, beloveds!"  

-Rev. Kelly Dignan





Full Moon Gathering

August 19, 2024  7pm EDT - 8pm EDT

Let's gather to honor the rhythm of the moon and call on it for support as we imagine!  This month will be extra special as it coincides with what is often called a super moon (when the moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit and also in a new moon phase).

Register here:

Save this Zoom link in your calendar: 


UU Climate Justice Revival


Reimagine Together: From An Extractive Age To A New Era 

UU Climate Justice Revival

September 28-29, 2024

If you have registered, materials were sent to you on August 1.  If you didn't get them, email  And be sure to check your spam folder in case you're missing emails. 


*If you haven't registered, today is the day!  Register at The planning team will provide everything needed: facilitation toolkits including full videos so you don't even need to read the scripts;  facilitation training; curriculum for all ages; a full worship script, slides, music and videos; coordinated justice action focused on climate justice and voting.

No matter your congregation’s size or resources, you can join, and together we will enter a new era where climate is an intersectional issue. 


Resources from UU Ministry for Earth



Musings: Free Resources for Small Group Facilitation and Congregational Worship

A UUMFE supporter recently told us that they used one of our Musings packets for their Sunday service while their minister was on vacation.  It was a hit!  We hope our Musings help your small groups or worship team, too. 

*Take a look at our archive. They are all free of charge and range in topic from Solstice to Humility, Change, or Awe. Inside each packet you'll find Earth centered chalice lightings, music suggestions, readings, sermon prompts and small group ministry guides. 

There's a Water Communion edition - perfect for this time of year!  




A Curriculum for Spiritual Care for Climate Distress, Anxiety and Grief

The climate crisis has become an emotional and spiritual crisis. Among the impacts of this distress is a feeling of paralysis or stuckness. We can become immobilized with distress and unmotivated to act for climate justice. There is no quick fix, and yet research shows that gathering in community is a primary strategy for addressing this distress.

We developed this curriculum for exactly these reasons! 

It helps participants: Name and honor our feelings together, prevent becoming paralyzed, and recommit to meaningful action. There are options for workshops and whole congregation worship. Check it out here.


From Our Partners



UU Climate Justice Revival Facilitator Training 

August 14 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET

Are you one of your congregation's facilitators for the UU Climate Justice Revival? All facilitators need to join one of our 2-hour Facilitator Training Sessions. Come learn how to be the best facilitator you can be for your congregation's Revival! Register:

August 18 at 3pm PT / 6pm ET:

August 29 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET : 



UU Climate Justice Revival Info Session 

August 15 at 9am PT / 12pm ET

Are you excited for the first-ever UU Climate Justice Revival… but... still have so many questions? Is it on Zoom or in person? Can kids participate? Is it a regional or national event? When we do new and different things, questions are expected! Come to the UU Climate Justice Revival Info Session and get all your questions answered! Register: 



Green Sanctuary 2030 + the UU Climate Justice Revival

August 21 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET

The UU Climate Justice Revival provides an excellent opportunity to engage your full congregation in your Green Sanctuary 2030 organizing. Similarly, joining the Green Sanctuary 2030 community is the perfect way to honor the commitments you set at the Revival. Come learn how these two opportunities can spark and light the way to transforming climate justice in your congregation. Register: 



Share the Plate With UUMFE

If UUMFE has added value to your life in some way, we would be grateful for your donation. Thank you for your support. 


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Easy Vegan Crispy Tofu Spring Rolls

Screenshot%202024-07-30%20at%2012_01_09%E2%80%AFPM.pngA perfect summer recipe for keeping the kitchen cool or making ahead to take on picnics outside. Modify the recipe and use whatever herbs or veggies are ready to eat in your garden.


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