In it she says, "May our love of this blue green earth feed our souls to act on its behalf. Whether we choose to put our bodies in front of a pipeline, or throw our considerable energies into legislation for just energy transitions, may we do so centering the margins. Whether we work for food justice or protecting and sharing the earth’s water; whether we dance, paint, sing or pray for climate justice; let us remember this is a unique moment - a time when we are called to rise for all life and the lives of generations to come."
In this spirit, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth (UUMFE) are calling on all Unitarian Universalists to unite and Create Climate Justice as an embodiment of our Unitarian Universalist faith.
You are receiving this newsletter, forwarded by UUMFE because you have indicated through your engagement with the UUMFE & UUA that you are ready to answer this call. The Create Climate Justice newsletter will highlight key information and calls to action, and it will build upon the infinite networking and organizing possibilities of the Create Climate Justice Net web platform.
If you have not done this already, please create an account on Create Climate Justice Net and consider making a group page for your congregation &/or UU climate group. The site allows you to share your work broadly, and helps you find resources and collaborators you might not otherwise know of.
Through these Create Climate Justice campaign communication tools (website and newsletter), we can strengthen and catalyze the amazing potential for transformative change that is alive in our Unitarian Universalist faith community.
Onward, together,